Friday, August 25, 2017

Free Post

Dear Fausters,

This week you have a free post. I'm going to write about a book I read recently called "The Book of Strange New Things" by Dutch author Michel Faber. It's described as Science Fiction but only because it's set in the future on an alien-inhabited planet. The story itself is about a Pastor who goes to the planet to spread the word of God. That may not sound that appealing or interesting, however, it's one of the most enjoyable books I've read recently and I tend to read a lot (20 - 30 novels a year).
My brother Colin recommended the book and I found it so entertaining that I finished it in less than a week. The story moves forward in 2 main ways, via the protagonists exchange of letters with his wife back on earth, and the time the Pastor spends with the peace-loving, blob-like aliens. The novel is serious but humourous. Many of the topics under discussion are quite deep but approached in a way that makes them accessible and less complex. The book is about love and faith. Faber wrote it whilst his wife was dying so that obviously affected his state of mind. However, it's not a sad or depressing novel. In fact, the best way I could describe it would be "heartwarming".

Write 200 words on a topic of your choice. Leave a comment on my blog & on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Something Artistic You Like Doing

Good Morning FAU Bloggers!

Today I'll like you to write about something artistic you do. This could be anything: playing a music instrument, skateboarding, cooking, playing football, drawing Manga characters, making clothes, cutting hair, the list is endless. There is art in everything.
In my case, I think my most artistic expression is through music, and I often like to supplement it with altered images, especially time-lapse videos. I've been making music of one form or another since I was 13 or 14 when I started to play guitar. As soon as I could play 2 chords I wrote my first song. If I remember rightly it was just C and Em7 all the way through.
Nowadays I generally experiment with music. I like to cross genres and styles and I tend to work with a sampler and a keyboard most of the time. I occasionally add vocals or guitar (or both) to a song but not very often. I started messing about with video in about 2011 when I bought a macbook and had access to I-Movie. An ex-student of mine started running an experimental film class and I went along. I had a Flip video camera that was really mobile and user friendly. I started making wacky videos to go with some of my musical experiments. I guess quiet a few of them may seem extremely weird. For example, I have one almost 9-minute epic with an accompanying video of my cat's eyes) (Kat R.I.P). However, there are a couple I really like. For example, I recently created a video for a song I did with the band I played in as a teenager. I used some old live footage of the band and added some bits of "found footage." I thought the result was really good. In other videos I just play around with exposure & colour to get weird effects that complement the sounds. I doubt any of what I do will change the world but I get a kick out of doing it which is the main thing;)
This is the first video I did. The song is a sample of my sister-in-law plus a few other samples and some extra keyboards.

Plus something more recent:)

Write about something artistic you like to do.
What it is,
How long you've been doing it,
What it involves.
Why you enjoy it.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Family Photograph

Hi FAU Bloggers;

Today I'd like you to write about a family photography that you like. The photo I've chosen must have been taken in about in about 1971 or 1972, or possibly a bit later. I think it's one of the few family photos that includes all eleven of us (my parents plus 8 siblings). It was taken in out living room. The photographer was in front of the window, most probably because of the light. However, I don't know exactly what he was doing that stopped half of us from looking at the camera. My mum, sister Clare (top row, left-hand side),  brother's Adrian (with a crazy grin) and baby brother Gerald (sitting on the floor) are looking at the camera. The rest of us are looking to the right of the cameraman except little sister Lizzie (Elizabeth) who is obviously in a world of her own (and still is!!!). She is staring off into the distance.
I love this photo because it's exactly how I like to remember my brothers and sisters. I love the (now retro) fashion. My two eldest sisters (Terry & Clare) have a definite hippy look while Moria (sitting in the middle) has a "Skinhead" influenced look. I also like how brothers Adrian & Colin are wearing the same shirt, and the twins (Francis & Elizabeth) are wearing smocks made by my mother. I don't think it's a very good photo of me but I love having such a great family and that's what I remember when I see this photo.
At the moment, I don't have a copy of the original, this is a photo of the photo:)

Write about a family photo you like.
When it was taken.
Where it was taken,
Who appears in the photo,
Why you like the photo.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and the blogs of at least 3 classmates.